Ohio Green candidate touts proof of election fraud
by Marc Beechuk
Green party gubernatorial candidate Dr. Bob Fitrakis addressed the intimate, hip environment of Mac’s Pizza Pub in Clifton Heights on Saturday July 29th.
The evening got underway when former independent candidate Justin Jeffre delivered a cynical recollection of recent major party politics. The microphone was soon turned to Dr. Fitrakis who pounded home his message about election fraud and the unanswered questions in Ohio from the 2004 presidential race.
The format had a feel of budding enthusiasm, yet still seemed to be just the loyalists who somehow caught an e-mail or timely reminder. This did not deter Dr. Fitrakis who works as a lawyer and also runs the progressive Free Press newspaper in Columbus. He laid out findings he has made traveling around to visit Ohio’s election boards. The most astounding of his claims were extra ballots, chad scraping and lost memory sticks (see http://www.bobforohio.com/).
Dr. Fitrakis went to explain that many will label him as a conspiracy theorist, considering his dismissal as part of a phenomenon he terms “coincidence-theorists.”
Throughout the discussion, Dr. Fitrakis quoted from the Old Testament and spoke of treating all people in humane fashion.
Fitrakis finished his speech with a few highly progressive points about keeping Ohio national guards out of Iraq, arresting federal agents who spy on Ohioans and making Ohio a safe haven for tortured, suspected “terrorists.”
Dr. Fitrakis has a running mate in Anita Rios at the Lieutenant Governor position. The Green Party also proudly announced Tim Kettler as their candidate for Secretary of State. Democratic candidate Brent Gray took time to speak on behalf multi-party cooperation in ending voter fraud. The event concluded with personal discussion time as Dr. Fitrakis was more than available to convey his plight.
QCFMag.com staff writer Nathan Kerr contributed
Contact marcb@queencityforum.com
At 6:10 PM ,
Someone said...
Full video webcast of the event available here.
At 8:36 PM ,
Someone said...
BTW, you wrote: "The format had a feel of budding enthusiasm, yet still seemed to be just the loyalists who somehow caught an e-mail or timely reminder."
Did you even talk to people at this thing? (I know you did not speak to me, for just one example.)
*There were a number of progressive Dems who have no intention of voting Green, but wanted to hear what Fitrakis had to say.
*Somehow caught an email? What does this mean? We sent out email, hung flyers, issued press releases, and published on our web sites. There were people who none of us organizers knew.
Oh well... what should I expect? Fair treatment of independent candidates from independent media?
At 1:11 PM ,
Jacqueline Henretta said...
I did not see anyone being interviewed. I would go as far to say 1/3rd of the people who were there were not familiar, or had even heard of Bob. Way to interact with the crowd.
At 2:17 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm glad QCF covered the event. You would think that some other news outlets would cover a candidate for Governor that is on the ballot. Especially when he is an international election observer that has evidence of a stolen election in Ohio and another candidate is the guilty party.
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